Saturday 1 July 2017

2017- Reims to Charleville-Mezieres.

20th June, The scenery changes as we leave the grape area of Reims to miles and miles of crops as we head up to the Ardennes.…


Max demonstrating that he can multi-task, listen to live NZ radio commentary of the Irish-Lions game at 09.30am , negotiate a lock and listen to me!!!      Not sure he does much of the last though.


Lovely seeing young boys with their electric toys playing in the back yard !!! He was zooming around at great speed.


Weather still really hot, and we found a lovely quiet mooring with shady trees..DSCN6572DSCN6585DSCN6597

Unusual lock keepers gardens,,,,,


Met up with some English boaties, Adrian and Jenny who we had seen at Reims but not talked to. They had arranged a tanker to meet them to fill up as they wanted 1000 litres of diesel,  so,  we tagged along and bought a measly 240 li. ( but you never say NO to cheap easily obtainable Diesel)DSCN6615

So this was the beginning of another friendship, a few days pottering up towards Pont-a-Bar and Charleville-Mezieres, and again, as hard as Max and I try,,,,,, no dry nights on the horizon !!!!!  And of course a good Kiwi night on the BBQ..



Jenny sporting her ‘nearly’ silver fern top just for us.

While we were moored this women had sat at her fishing chair since we had arrived at 1pm, and didn’t leave till all her kids, husband and other family came at 7.30pm

All she had to show was a dozen or so small fish( mostly 6-9 inches, which she returned from her net at the river at the end of the day. their gear must be worth a fortune, just seems a pastime we can’t comprehend, but that’s french fisher people for you.


Then you have to get the stuff back to your car !!


Then the big day, staircase of 27 locks all going up… and the NEW second version pitch fork come into its own, works really well for us, not sure if  I will kill Max or myself first. ( Demonstration only)


At times these locks, all 27 are only 500m from each other, no time for a pee or to make a cup of tea. 


Saw lots of sad neglected old lock-keepers cottages, and some pretty lived in ones too.


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We also introduced Adrian and Jenny into watching the Americas Cup on an Iphone/ipad,,,, and it was a long night. 


Early morning walk to get a baguette, and just thought this was a lovely sight.   Friends !!


Sunday night and this is serious,… race 7 & 8.   and after another excellent meal, with Jenny and Adrian on Piedaleau


We hear that St John de Losne has a large group 16-20 kiwis who are all partying with all this rugby and sailing!! Bit like a holiday camp .( It would be an great atmosphere)

Interesting boats seen, some beautiful, some just plain ugly, but these amazing  old dutch barges are still raced today in Holland.


Crying face  After Max’s declaration that weren’t to have messy flower troughs on the boat anymore (cos it marks the paint..) I spied Aileens hanging baskets,, and realised that would solve my problems,, they looked a bit sad at first, but now they have come into their own…still away to go though (and no mess on the deck!!)  HaHa Max…..


Not quite like an Americas cup skipper,,,, but nearly !!!

DSCN6687Arriving into Charleville-Meziers with all canvas down due to the 3m high restriction going into the marina….in the end we stayed on the quay outside.

DSCN6691A day we won’t forget, 26th June, 2017………Max phoning Grant Stainton in New Zealand after we had just crossed the finish line and WON the Americas Cup.

Hip Hip Hurray       for NZ. 

Weather changing now to rain, wind and cooler, just as well as all the canals need it.

Charleville-Mezieres is a charming town we have visited before with the largest central square still intact from the wars. And of course the standard french merry-go-round.


Nice quiet mooring on river, Oz behind, UK in front, plus alot of other Brits on big boats.


My solar lights finally come on but not until after 10pm at night.

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