Friday 21 July 2017

2017 (5) Charleville-Mezieres and beyond.

Just to let you all know that Max has been worrying about the engine since we left Schweich.  It starts first time, runs beautifully and but still has puffs on black smoke on starting and still leaves an diesel slick.

We can’t fault the Germans, because after our email Fri pm, and they phoned back Mon am, and they arrived after a 2hr drive at 3pm to check the boat.

After making Max motor as fast as he could up and down the little stretch of river, the explanations are satisfactory and we will phone them back with an update when we arrive in Maastricht.         Max is now happy again.                                                              Don’t look at the fenders as I had no time to sort them as I cast off Max and the mechanic into the river …and sat on the quay defending our spot  !!


29th June,, We leave Charleville- Mezieres in unsettled weather and on our own, after meeting Pat and Pam(behind us) from Mooloolaba who are heading down south.


and saying au-revoir to Jenny and Adrian (in front of us) who will follow us up The Meuse later,….. so maybe some dry nights ahead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeh right !!!!

As we travelled up the Meuse past Bogny-sur-Meuse we tried to see through the wooded hill side but couldn’t. Its a large monumnet of the horse Bayard and the 4 fils des Aymon. the most popular legend of the Ardennes. Had to take photos out of a book.


Nice mooring at Montherme, campervans again and the vanners walking their pets.



Through Fumay, lovely flowers and quaint houses. Fumay used to supply all the slate for the tiled roofs in Paris.


Then we have the HAM TUNNEL looming which has haunted Max since 2012… his first tunnel and what his imagination has built up to in the last five years to a horrendous ordeal. It is probably the shortest we have ever done at 656m but it ,,well.. anyway we sailed through. nice bright and easy peasy…..

Givet, go to bed after a lovely evening but during the night, low cloud, and mist in the morning.


So by the time we leave it has thinned out, and so through changing scenery we came into  Dinant..

We didn’t revisit the incredible Citadel this time, but we wandered the streets and took photos.


Dinant..           They are spending a fortune on upgrading the waterfront here so weren’t able to moor up in the centre by the bridge, so a 200 m walk… can’t complain really. The Citadael initally built in 1051, but the current fortress was built in 1815 under horrific labour conditions.

DSCN6792DSCN6803  Birth place of Adolphe de Sax, the town is full of reminders…. 




And so we leave for Namur, the confluence of The Meuse and la Sambre.

Namur another important strategic point on the river with another large Citidel as these rocky high sided cliffs along a major river have had endless battles through out the centuries, defending lands, towns and crowns. Again a lovely place to stop for a couple of nights, and visit……… Pont de Jambes,, capatianarie office, fun bar, and water playground..


Our view and other views of The Citidel.



View from the top of the Citadel.


This giant work of  Belguim artist Jan Fabre, ‘Searching for Utopia’ was originally in Nieuwport but was recoated in gold, and moved to Namur.


AND so now we head up The Meuse and further towards Maastricht , Maasbracht and  Wessem. The final stage to get to Van Kessels for the painting quote.

                                                                     Winking smile


Just to show you my new extremely clever new addition to comfort,,, even if I say so myself.

A Mosquito net for the rear cabin door.. Black, sexy as hell and closes behind you with magnets…works really well so far with flies,

but haven’t had the mosquitoes badly enough for a good test run!!!!.,,,

DSCN6754Max discovered a new beer, loved the can so he just had to try it.

Seemed ok, nice pils type beer but a bit strong…8.5%

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