Tuesday 20 August 2013

Julia to stay

Lucy’s sister Julia came to stay for a week.

We had incredible weather … hot, hot, hot, at 34 degrees, so the days were a bit lazy.

Max even had to cook his own BBQ on his birthday !!!!!!




When you see this , you wonder why people worry about the waste water tanks….

Spent some time on up in Deluz chilling out , and then down to Besancon for a few days. We ended up on a favourite weir mooring again, listening to the rush of water each day, and swimming/floating in the Doubs as the temperature rose.



A selection of the Grand Cru wines from the Beaujolais area Julia left with us. We tasted them over 2 nights with Wok and Sam, and Colleen and Terry. They were very smooth and subtly different. ( Thanks ju.)

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