Wednesday 7 August 2013

Ascot, The King George VI and The Queen Elizabeth Stakes, July 27th.

Just to bore everyone, we had a weekend at Ascot, watching the horse racing from a private box with all the trimmings.

Oh what a wonderful time we had,, especially all us girls getting all dressed up, and even the boys looked pretty good too.!!,  Off on the train from Camberley ( where most of us stayed in an hotel,) to Ascot.

Girls photo, left to right,

Natalie(Holly’s friend), Holly(Dawn and Alvins daughter), Julie(Andre’s wife), Dawn, Rosemary, Yasmin, Me, and Christine.



Dawn, Rosemary, Holly, Christine, Ruth, Julie and me.

The race course complex was fantastic, with an amazing grandstand, and views all down the course. We had a private box for 12,  with our own waitress and food provided, with the champagne, etc etc.. We arrived a 11am, explored the place and first race was at 2.05pm. Bet on 6 races in total and most of us had some luck but not the big win,, (sadly).  It was so much fun and we had a great bunch of people with us for the day. Lucy, Dawn, Yazmin and Andre,( Dawns Brother) all went to school together.  We can’t say enough about the day. Dawns friend, Ruth(in red)  who works at Ascot got us the box and she spent the day with us as well. Princess Anne flew in by helicopter to present one of the winners, but we only saw her through the binoculars.


Winners enclosure.



As the day wore on and we got more relaxed, the ties loosened and the high shoes got replaced with the flatties.



Then after the races it was outside to party, dance and drink some more!!!!  Don’t the guys look cute!!

Andre, John, Max and Alvin.


Sat night ended up in a very nice Indian restaurant close by, and on Sunday, we all met up again and had a lovely lunch at Windsor on the river.


All in all, an excellent weekend……..

1 comment:

  1. What a great day you guys had. Nice to see you wearing the garish MCC tie too Max. Go well.
