Saturday 11 August 2012


6th August. After circling Paris and dodging huge tourist boats we headed out up the Seine. After a long day motoring we spent the night next to the lock at Evry.

A stunning house on theSeine on the way to Fontainebleau

Then next morning headed to Fontainebleau. This place has one of Frances largest Chateaux. The only chateau to have been inhabited by all of Frances sovereign rulers, from the 12th Century to the 19th Century. The most lavishly furnished of all French royal chateaux. An estate of over 130 hectares. You have to google it.. Managed to get a berth at the mariner.

Next morning got all the bikes off and we all cycled to the Chateau de Fontainebleau. A walk through the grounds and the rooms of the chateau blows you away. Real history.


047064Napoleons throne room029



Then after a long day we had a late lunch in the square and back to the boat for a clean up and then for yet another one of Chef Barts magnificent meals

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