Thursday 24 May 2012

My ICC Coach Adam after yesterdays session
This is what happens when you leave your boat for  a time
Well the past couple of days has been great weather. Not a breath of wind and fine. Wednesday we drove to Amsterdam and picked up Adam ( our ICC Course man ) and started doing the course which also involved engine maintenance. Then out onto the lake for driving skills. Yesterday, Thursday had an electriican on board to add a light and power point which held us up until about 2pm. Then went out and finished about 6.30. Today ( Friday getting a couple of hours out on lake and then drive Adam back to Southampton via Eurotunnel. Headed for Euro Tunnel but missed our train by ten minutes so went and spent a bit of time at yet another Wine Supermarket. 2 cases later got on the next train. Dropped Adam off in Suthhampton and arrived at Dawn and Alvins in Bournemouth about 8pm.
Dawn and Alvin  our friends from Bournemouth
Us overlooking The Isle of Wight
Saturday...Stunning weather, not a cloud in the sky. Drove to Portsmouth, Southhampton, Chichester and picked up a few things. Then back to Bournemouth and went with Dawn and Alvin down to Milford-on-Sea to the Marine Bar and sat on the roof top bar overlooking The Isle of Wight and the Needles, and watched the sun go down, stunning...Also met up with Andre ( Dawns brother and Julie. Then of for a curry.
Sunday...Still further shopping and stopped to take a few pictures of Jims boat so we can put it on Ebay. Then a run for the EuroTunnel. Got across to Calais hoping to find the Carrefoure open so we could stock up on wine yet again. However got there and it was closed. So stayed in little 2 star hotel and were first in the door Monday morning. Once the Yaris was full we headed for Oostvoorne.

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