Sunday, 8 September 2019

13, August 2019, Sete, Frontignan, and back up to Aigues-Morte.

We pottered about between the beaches of  Les Aresquires and Frontignan for few weeks as various friends came to catch up with us. Rob & Sue Cooper, having sold their boat a few months ago came  to visit us by car on their way to friends at Marseille.
What a difference a night makes as we make our way back to Frontignan.

We met 2 new kiwi boats, and Fred & Zoe from Portsmouth. (friends of mutual American boating friends). The Kiwis had managed to find a bar where we could watch The AB's playing Australia. 
 Its serious stuff at 10 am in the morning!!!!
Rob and Sue arrive to stay for a couple of nights, and we do a day trip to Marseillan, 
a delightful little fishing port on the Etang Du Thau.  

The Etang du Thau is a vast lake of brackish water, whose main activity is oyster/mussel farming.It produces more than  20,000 tons annually and it is only linked to the sea in 2 places, Sete and a small canal at Marseillan. As there are no real tides and little water renewal it is a delicate ecological balance and boaters must take extra care with their waste. 
The Etang is classified as maritime waters and there are buoyed channels and markers when crossing, and if the winds are high above force 3, they advise you not to cross. 
The Etang is 16kms long and 2-4 kms wide, with huge areas of oyster/mussel beds. 

Had a surprise from Robin and Denise, who after cycling from Chichester to near Clermont Ferrand, (I think over 800kms), they decided to continue on down to the south, (more kms) and joined us for an overnight stay.

 Did some cycling back to the beaches from Frontignan and watched the kids jousting....not sure health and safety in NZ would allow this at all..!!!!
At least the kids have outboards and there are no rowers like the adult men.

And THEN THERE ARE the French cakes...... couldn't resist trying this delight.

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