Saturday 15 August 2020

2020,, And finally we are in France. (1)July.

 After all the set backs from COVID on a family holiday in Bali, and a trip around Italy, we have finally made it to France and Kiwi Rose.   Before we left we started to celebrate Max's birthday with the first of the chocolate cakes (with Robin and Dave) , the second at Dawns & Alvins but no photo.

Once on french soil of course the first stop would be at Calais Wine Superstore, then a 6 hour drive where we had our first night in a St Nicolas les Citeaux

Up to stay with friends in Freissons in the french Alps where across the vallee are the wonderful ski resorts of Meribel and Courchevel (roll on winterπŸ‘πŸ‘).

Max actually discovered that e mountain bikes are the way to go!!!! 
AND another birthday cake from Peter & Lesley. 

Finally arrived in Agde, on the south coast to an extremly dirty boat. From the howling breezes off the mediterranian to the boaters working on their boats.  So it took a week or so to clean her and then paint on the anti fouling. Our newly designed winter tent got shredded in the winter winds---another problem to solve.

End of first winter..................................End of second winter πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Of course all that hard work deserves a  good french reward.

In the middle of all this hard work we had a really lovely break away in Carcassonne for Max's real Birthday. We were joined by good friends Alan & Shelia to celebrate his 70 (+) on the day before.

Cute statues in the old town park and a military presence as well which we will no doubt see more of.

A lovely night out for Alans birthday finishing with cocktails at the hotel.

The old walled Medivial City of Carcassonne, founded in third centuryAD by the Romans.The ramparts have 26 towers forming a 3 km circle around the old city. People still live and work in side the walls and it is full of resturants and history. Luckily not too full of tourists and masks yet not totally compulsary. 

                                        Birthday time for Max

Celebrations finished, boat clean so now we can start the floating part of the holiday.



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