Saturday 3 August 2019

10, 2019 July, Tournon to Avignon.

Leaving Tournon we headed down The Rhone and stopped at  Briefly at Valance, and next door had a letter box.
 Passing on down, old Chateaux and forts line the river banks.

 And the odd
nuclear power station
as well.
We stopped at Viviers, an incredibly old town that dates back the Roman Era and the 4C. There seems to be a lot of energy from young and old people to renovate the old houses and buildings to retain history. 

We then decided to climb like mountain goats up to The St Michael's Statue built high above the town which gave us an amazing view over the valley.

Arriving into Avignon, with lovely sights from the river.

Spent a week here especially tempting when once you find out paying for 4 nights gets you 3 for free.
Our mooring right outside the city walls. although still 30-40 degrees we found that cycling is actually cooler than sitting still, and again buckets of cold water and flannels works very well when sitting up on deck.

Now we know the french are slightly different but this lady climbed off her boat to walk her dog!! 
On the way back from here walk, we saw the dog trotting quite happily beside her,,, so  huh!!!!



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