Thursday 7 July 2016

Leaving Schweich, after 8 weeks!!!

July 8th.

OK, so todays the day………. we are sailing out of Schweich.  We will post this as we leave !!      YES,, YES,  YES.        Weather looking better, best day ever yesterday with 26, and blue skies.  Had a good last night with drinks and meal with new Aussie neighbours Mel and Dave from Perth.     

We think our boat might have separation anxiety!!    Or we might!!

So to catch up,

Last week, Lucy had a lovely 4 day trip back to UK, catching up with good nursing friends from NZ for lunch.IMG_0875 Elizabeth and Pip.

Caught up with Claire and bestest friend Kate Hughes for supper in town. They are loving London.

IMG_0879   And old school friends, Jo Waters, (Paris), Sue May, (NZ), and Annie & Yazmin in Chichester.


And I saw my sister Julia, and did actually get done what I went to do in the first place!!.

Arrived back Friday night to Schweich, to a very depressed Max. Still nothing happening on the boat front except promises. Quick call from Min & Bill Jennings who are stuck on their boat in Calais where its raining & locks broken so closed for few days. This lifts our spirits…and they drive up and save us.

As you can see, weather still cold.  Another quick sightseeing trip into Trier, a noddy train ride and a beer/wine.. Nice day.



Progress on the boat at last, and Bill & Min get to experience the penthouse suite with views as we have to stay up on the hard for a night.


Slight issue, black water tank is no problem, but the washing up water had be be dealt with… HE HE HE  ( always helps if you stand under to right hole)



So back in water the next day.. All looks good. Weather is getting better, still stormy clouds but warmer and some sun.

We now wait for Max to negotiate what we owe with Christoph.Fingers crossedFingers crossed

They have done good work, but timing, organisation and communication really haven’t impressed us…Max has had the patience of a saint,  ( and I haven’t, always wanting to storm up to the yard and hassle them ). Max did feel like a stalker in the end, up there most days trying to get an idea of days and times but not always getting anywhere.

So over winter they took the engine out of the boat,( and they now tell us they also had to pop a window out to lever the engine back in!!,), its been reconditioned and the water in engine issue has been resolved. We have done water trials and had the leak from the depth sounder sorted. They did a few other things for us as well, like water pump, valve on hot water tank, new bathroom tap, etc etc   Still, it’s all over now…. 

(Who said H2O were bad ??)  The more we hear from people, the more we believe its a universal boat yard/mechanics diseased mentality..

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