Tuesday 14 July 2015

Strasburg,and down The River Rhine to Rudeshiem.

With Annie, (Lucy’s old school friend) who joins us for a few days on board. Its a bit too hot even at 8.30pm.!!


During the days, still 35-40 degrees, so we decide to leave Strasbourg and head off down river to get a bit of breeze.

The Rhine in big and wide and flowing,, with big barges and little speedy boats.



DSCN3838A big pusher, the main boat is 113m long and the front barge is 88m. Green Bollard showing flowing currant in the river.

DSCN3840Next stop, PORT de BENHEIN. …..               This is lovely. Its still so hot and Annie & I spent all afternoon in and out of the water to cool off.


Not much to see on this part of the river. Its big and wide, carrying lots of commercial traffic, a few fizz boats and us, and of course a bit of industry.

DSCN3845  Then SPEYER for a night. A lovely new marina with apartments still being developed. And another ABC. A Roman church, dating from 1030 . It has many features taken from the bible, i.e., the nave is built on 12 pillars each side, having been founded on the teachings of the 12 apostles. It has 3 portals in the front porch, but only one entry into the church, therefore visitors have to enter individually and in succession, Like a narrow portal to heaven (In the gospel,(Mt 7,13)). All fascinating but sorry, a bit much for us, !!!!!


After SPEYER we head on down to Gernsheim  where Annie left us. It was incredibly hot that day and Annie & Lucy had to use buckets of water from the river to cool down while adorning the front of the boat..  Max found a great bottle store.. puts NZ ones to shame.

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Leaving Gernsheim and heading down towards Rudeshiem, the beginning of the Middle Rhine Valley. The river is a bit faster now and more like being on the Auckland harbour. There is a lovely wake as the big boats pass, or just from the wind and current, and even little white caps..     I love it, lots of spray and a rocking boat. ( makes me want to go sailing!!!)    See the wake on this other boat and that's DOWN stream..

DSCN3916DSCN3939 showing wake

Max timed us between markers and we were doing 10 knots on clock but 15-16km\hr over the water.  cool huh!! (and this is the slow bit!!!)

The Rhine has lots of sandy places along the banks where they are used like little beaches by boaters or walkers. its all very neat and looks like home\Fiji ???

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Finally the Middle Rhine Valley, and the first grapes vines we see from the river.

DSCN3921 finally grapes

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