Sunday 17 August 2014

July. Metz to Luxembourg

Lucy’s quick trip to Brighton to Leo & Maia’s pre wedding party in Brighton. Pippa’s eldest, Leo,  will marry in Brazil and only a few will make the journey.

A great time was had by all. 20 of us, a beautiful day, food and a croquet game.


Bill and Pippa, Pippas’ sister, Sally and Roger, Leo and Maria                                        And of course proud proud mum.                


croquet is a very serious game…Pippa is in charge, showing her organisation working skills from the Brighton Dome …but we had great fun, but I am sure there was some cheating going on.!!!



The Stallibrass family, ( minus our lovely brother Jim)

Lucy arrives back in Metz with Dawn and Alvin.                                                        Its a long story but Max couldn’t go to the UK with Lucy as his NZ passport was still sitting in a UK passport office somewhere awaiting his visa renewal for UK.                                                                                                                       The weather was consistently variable and we have shown visitors a complete variety of weather conditions and as yet though haven’t had snow!!!!!!!                              ( Shouldn’t have said that, we are not home yet….)

As we have said, Metz is a beautiful town, full of lovely old buildings and a huge Cathederal.



There is an national slalom canoe track off the river,  just by the bridge where we moor.


Max had to endure this party boat, full of Germans that arrived in one night. Great boat, restaurant underneath, bar on top, and then the guests all go off and stay on dry land over night……good boys weekend away we think….


Dawn and Alvin arrive and we plan to head up the Moselle into Luzenbourg where we have heard diesil is about 25c cheaper. So we filled up with 400 litres.


Alvin has very slick handy work with his ropes. ( have to say it didn’t last long!!)


Finally we start to see the vinyards of the Moselle, and small fortified towns along the banks..



A few big BIG boats and full locks on the way ( 3 abreast in this one)065_1400x1050

Only 135m long.


Its all tough going, and Dawn & Alvin have taught us to play “hand and foot”..But cheap diesel, esp when buying over 400litres.


MAX’S BIRTHDAY……64 again...



Last few nights back in Metz before Max drove us to Luxembourg Airport for cheapy flight back to UK.


The boys having an afternoon nap!!!!!!


Sunset and finally the lights in the Fairy style church come on at night.


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