Tuesday 1 October 2013


Finally arrived at Lyon from St Jean de Losne, after 213kms and only 5 enormous locks.

The sights as we entered Lyon on the Saone River.

101 Entering Lyon104 Further into Lyon106

122 Motoring into Lyon114125


126 Palais De Justice- Lyon128137

129 Note Dame de Fourviere- Lyon. Taken from the River167

We have finally arrived , at the Confluence at The Port de Lyon.

140 After 5 in Lyon with Terry and Col153


The lights at night over the shopping centre change from yellow, to white to blue. The apartments are very like the viaduct., smart, snazzy, good views and probably smallish.

142141 View from our mooring at Lyon

There was a cute little ferry boat that went every hour from the port into the old town.. so easy to explore the city.

Wandered around as you do. Lyon is a lovely lovely city, with lots of old buildings still intact after the wars and shows its Italian influence along with its French history.

It is reputed to be the third, after Marseille,  and fastest growing city in France. Historical Lyon was a centre of silk weavers, and the old town boasts buildings from the renaissance period scattered through the old town. We really enjoyed the feel of Lyon.

We visited the Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourviere, up on the side of the hill over looking Lyon.



The basement of the Basilique.


Then the main church!!! …So much beauty!!

183182 Inside Notre Dame- Lyon 2184

Quick rest and then off again and a view from the top..


Walking back down to the old town. The Cathedrale St-Jean from above.

193  169 I am in the O

And the square,,, ( Max doing the Hollywood bit.)


We took a bus tour that showed us the different areas (or Arrondissements)  of Lyon.


Lyon has 2 amazing buildings where the whole fasard is painted with pictures of famous people from Lyon. They are really well done.

223 Painted building depicting famous people Lyon.225226


229248262 Hotel De Ville.258 Lucy and Colleen in Place De Terreaux254312

264 Statue in Place de Terreaux279King Louis XIV - Bellcour Square- Lyon283 Amazing French ArchitectureFlower Tree - Lyon310

287307 Even the bridges are works of art294 Dont know what this is but looks interesting


and a wonderfully named boat.

Max and I visited the Museum of fine Arts and saw paintings by  Picasso, Renoir, Degas, Gauguin, Monet, Rodin, Rembrandt and others. Also various sculptures. We really aren’t fans of the modern Picassos, or the heavy religious style of paintings, and we realise we tend to prefer the impressionists.

326.329335 Early Picasso330




We also visited the Musee Miniature et Cinema, which has changed the way we will look at films for ever. We didn’t realise how films were made. especially the use of total miniature sets, like in Aviator, where leo (Howard Hughes) flies his big plane through LA and hits houses etc. Also the way they film major movies, the stars on a green lighted  set, and then put the scenes together with the back ground and props after.

The Musee had lots of costumes used in the films as well.




And the minature sets, even one of Maxims in Paris.020027

And a fantastic pottery and ceramic fair in the old town.. needlees to say everything we liked was expensive and heavy!!!


We said farewell to Colleen and Terry in Lyon,  and are now heading back up to St Jean de Losne to get ready for the winter..

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