Wednesday 10 July 2013

June, in St Jean de Losne.

We had a quick little trip between bits of work on the boat and going back to the UK for Wimbledon.

Time to try out the new STERN THRUSTER… that has caused us so much grief with its installation.

OH, AND , yes, YES,  Yes it works a treat. Max can go totally side ways into a mooring  now…so there’s no stopping us.

So we went up the Saone, turned right onto the Doubs River, and the Canal du Rhone au Rhin to Dole. There are some quant little towns around, all dominated by big churches with ancient histories of battles and occupations from various people over the last 1500 years.

053 Dole_320x240075 Louis Pasteurs House._320x240073, Louis Pastuer's house._320x240062 Dole_320x240


080 Dole_320x240066 Dole Church_320x240

Our mooring for 2 nights, at Choisy.. just a 3 km flat cycle ride into Dole.

061 Quiet night at Choisy._320x240083 Dole_320x240


Well the French know how to celebrate.. .

Every weekend there seems to be music or parades or fireworks going on. There are Fair ground stalls, and heaps of bands playing a variety of music from Pink Floyd to Umpa and big band stuff.

009 early eve on quay.010 max at the fun fair, try to pick the best rope.


Its great,  any excuse to meet up with people on the quay, and we seem to be getting to know quite a few now. There are a whole heap of Kiwis from Clevedon who know Max’s sister, and another lot from the Shore, Christchurch and other places. Then there are the Brits here as well. We have met a few people who live aboard on barges all year , just full time on the water. They often don’t actually go anywhere and have their own gardens and gates and mow their own front lawns,.. Some of the  barges are very plush, and are kitted out with the best, like Ikea kitchens, big flat screens, full central heating, wood burners, and amazing bathrooms, even some with baths. Of course they can carry 20000 litres of water as well.

We still say its the Australians, Kiwis and Brits who keep the waterways busy.

020 Enjoying another night out, Steve and Helen, and quest.

Steve and Helen from Emsworth,(UK),  and Max with a guest from the B&B Barge.

Pardon des Mariniers et Plaisanciers St Jean de Losne.

A big weekend here in France is the blessing of the mariners, which started when the local priests would bless all the working barges on the rivers for the following year. They also have a competition for the best decorated one, Of course the commercial traffic isn’t around much any more but they have kept the tradition. Next year we will dress up Kiwi Rose with bunting too.

015 The Local French Band.016

They had all sorts of music bands and a great  fireworks display across the river on the sat night and then The Blessing of the boats on the Sunday.

The best dressed dog competition, which Max just loved…..And the priest blessing the boats from the water.


st jean 1st jean 2 priest


022 sunday, The blessing of the Boats.

The dressed up boats.The Official Mayors party, and joisting on the river..

030The Local jean jousst

Max trying to get one of those medals around their necks but they weren’t selling……

036 With )the Mayor, and Graham ( from Nth Shore, Auckland)_320x240031 Lunch time drinks with John and Jean, and Chairwomen._320x240

Max, Graham (NZ)  and the Mayor,         and John & Jean from the UK, me with the Chairperson of the day..

We just really want one of the medals.( its a really heavy solid metal brass shackle).

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