Tuesday 18 September 2012

Neatistead, Norfolk, and Lucy’s Aunt Celia’s 80th.

Sept 6th_We leave Digion and go to Calais via St John de Losne to talk to the guys where the boat is going to be over winter. Another 6 hrs driving to overnight in Calais before catching the Euro-Tunnel and driving up to Norwich on Friday.

Lovely B & B and a good local pub next door in Neatistead.. (me, my brother Bill, and partner Pippa ).

033055 Neatistead, Bill, Pippa and lucy

More beautiful old buildings at Horning. ( think one might be a pub!!)

046 Pub at horning048 Horning

Spent Sat sight seeing locally around the area and the local Broads,  watching the sailing club, and pleasure boats vying for space on a small area of water. Feels a bit like a Disney Movie!!!

035 Barton Broad037 Dingy's at Barten Broad

Some how think these tenders have been there a while.

039052 sailing clud ready for racing- Horning

The Broads were originally old peat beds where they had cut the peat for fuel, and they  eventually filled in with fresh water.  A great place for sailing and enjoying the country side and an area where my mother spent a lot of her youth. The Scots were avid dingy sailers and where accomplished racers.

Saturday night, Celias 80th, a great meeting of lots of cousins and greatly enjoyed by all and a good knees-up.

My sister Julia, my brother Bill, his partner Pippa dancing the ‘Gay Gorden’ and Julia with Aunt Celia.


Shame no photographic evidence of Max and I doing ‘Strip the Willow’ !!!

Sunday, lazy long breakfast with cousins and family in B & B and then off for a quick hours trip on Barton Broad on a cousins boat. Then we find out the ‘Tour of Britain’ cycle race is coming through the next village on its first leg, so off we go to find a spot outside a pub.  Well… lots of waiting, cheering at one of the many cop bikes passing, and then,,,great  excitement as the riders fly past in 3 secs, followed by a long line of support cars that lasts about 2 mins.. Well, now been there,,,, done that,,, and it all looks so much better on TV.

Back to London for a weeks work, and Max goes to Yasmin’s house in Chichester to scout out the area and get a whole lot of jobs done before the ‘’Goodwood Revival’’ weekend arrives and then we return to France.,

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