Thursday 20 September 2012

Glorious Goodwood

Well we headed for the Chichester Train Station and got onto a double decker bus and headed for Goodwood. Its like walking back in time. The same double decker bus that was around during the war and most people on board were dressed as if they were headed for an air raid shelter. Arrived at Goodwood and then the amazement started, even for a non petrol head. Acres and aces of classic and vintage cars from all over Europe were on display. Then into the main event. Racing all day and during racing the occasional flyover by RAF fighters,Lancaster bomber, Spitfires, Hurricanes, Thunderbolts and Mustangs. The day was, I hate to say this word but awesome. A day to remember even for a non petrol head. I WALKED BACK IN TIME FOR A DAY…The pictures are only a few but this event should be on every petrol heads Bucket List.

.099_1067x800052_800x600053_800x600055_800x600063_800x600081_800x600116_800x600Rolls Royce Engine 2_1067x800124_800x600126_800x600050_800x600129_1067x800

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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Neatistead, Norfolk, and Lucy’s Aunt Celia’s 80th.

Sept 6th_We leave Digion and go to Calais via St John de Losne to talk to the guys where the boat is going to be over winter. Another 6 hrs driving to overnight in Calais before catching the Euro-Tunnel and driving up to Norwich on Friday.

Lovely B & B and a good local pub next door in Neatistead.. (me, my brother Bill, and partner Pippa ).

033055 Neatistead, Bill, Pippa and lucy

More beautiful old buildings at Horning. ( think one might be a pub!!)

046 Pub at horning048 Horning

Spent Sat sight seeing locally around the area and the local Broads,  watching the sailing club, and pleasure boats vying for space on a small area of water. Feels a bit like a Disney Movie!!!

035 Barton Broad037 Dingy's at Barten Broad

Some how think these tenders have been there a while.

039052 sailing clud ready for racing- Horning

The Broads were originally old peat beds where they had cut the peat for fuel, and they  eventually filled in with fresh water.  A great place for sailing and enjoying the country side and an area where my mother spent a lot of her youth. The Scots were avid dingy sailers and where accomplished racers.

Saturday night, Celias 80th, a great meeting of lots of cousins and greatly enjoyed by all and a good knees-up.

My sister Julia, my brother Bill, his partner Pippa dancing the ‘Gay Gorden’ and Julia with Aunt Celia.


Shame no photographic evidence of Max and I doing ‘Strip the Willow’ !!!

Sunday, lazy long breakfast with cousins and family in B & B and then off for a quick hours trip on Barton Broad on a cousins boat. Then we find out the ‘Tour of Britain’ cycle race is coming through the next village on its first leg, so off we go to find a spot outside a pub.  Well… lots of waiting, cheering at one of the many cop bikes passing, and then,,,great  excitement as the riders fly past in 3 secs, followed by a long line of support cars that lasts about 2 mins.. Well, now been there,,,, done that,,, and it all looks so much better on TV.

Back to London for a weeks work, and Max goes to Yasmin’s house in Chichester to scout out the area and get a whole lot of jobs done before the ‘’Goodwood Revival’’ weekend arrives and then we return to France.,

Thursday 6 September 2012

Sancerre onwards to Digoin.

Now we are on our own, and we realise how much we have done already this year and how great its been to have visitors. The new bow thruster motor sounds much more powerful Great we need it.More and more tight spots to get in and out of in France.


a (3) leaving Sancerre_800x600a (6) Max has a new friend_800x600

The weather has suddenly it seems dramatically changed to much more of an autumn type temp,- suddenly shorter days and a morning chill in the air till the sun really gets up and we have the duvet back on at night. But luckily no rain, so nice dry days.


a (7) Plants growing out of a boat_800x600a (12) kiwi rose_800x600

Very flat farmland, beef cattle and ploughed  fields of this seasons crops, a smattering of villages with the church bells chiming along the way. We have really noticed the lack of other boats on the Canals. We have motored for a full day and crossed 3 or 4 boats. We both assumed there would be a lot at this time of the year. No complaints…No trouble finding moorings.

a (22) Double lock total of 9 m_800x600a (27) The Loire River_800x600

a (31) Aquaduct over the Loire at Le Guetin._800x600a (33) Cycle ride alomg the river bed.,_800x600

Spent a night in Nevers port, where we caught the train back to Briare to pick up the car. We will again train to Nevers from Digoin for the car before we get packed up to go to UK for Lucys  Aunts 80th in Norwich on 7th Sept..

a (37) Old Palace in Nevers._800x600a (39) Church in Nevers_800x600


a (43) View from the drivers seat_800x600a (42) Small farm holding_800x600

a (71) another pretty lock_800x600a (72) more flowers at a lock_800x600

a (46) White beef cattle of the region. Charlois breed_800x600a (49) Canal View_800x600

a (64) Max on the BBQ_800x600a (67) Good Pbottle (1250mls) ( 1.5 euros.) rose wine bought by Ric, yum yum._800x600

So we plan to drive to Calais from Digion, ( 6hrs) to the Euro Tunnel, via St Jean de Losne, on The River Saone, and see where our boat will be for the winter. We feel all to overwhelmed by all that we want to plan to get done to the boat before next season so we think we may just pack her up and leave her till next year when we will come back to her with renewed energy and concrete ideas.