Early July, 2023..
Well --- what have we done???? -- not a lot but seems like alot. Life seems to drift by, one hot day after another.
We do try to cycle each morning for some excercise, then lunch, some of us sleep and then if near a beach--out to the beach for a couple of hours for a swim after 4pm when its still hot but sun not really burning. Then shower time, drinkies and supper!!!!!
June 23rd--
Finally leaving Beziers back down the Midi towards Sete.
---first block down after 4kms--BROKEN..
As the boats piled up behind us- the locks up and down stream eventualy closed and we sat it out for the rest of the day.
All glass and canvas down as we had to go through the Villeneuve Beziers bridge and on through the sluice gates at Vias..(from 1858c)--that used to control the water flow from the river into the canal.
Moored up for the day- and the French just love thier fun-fairs and beach camping sites.
Our first sighting of the summer -- a Koypu.
This one must be over 2.5 feet long - tail and body.
And what??? Camels?? the French are strange!!!
Met a nice Kiwi couple who were spending 3 months cycling around France!! Crikey- just a bit too much for us.
Then only another few locks and we are out onto the E'tang de Thau..
NOT before we had to watch this french couple who we had met before in a lock- so as you can see from previous experience -- we let them in first and just watched --- they actually stayed in that slanted postion in the lock the whole time!!!!
Out onto the E'Tang de Thau, past some of the many oyster beds and our favourite anchorage outside Meze.
Back on the wall at Sete, where the road and rail bridge rises twice a day to allow sail and motor boats in and out of Sete/Med/E'tang and the rowers practice.
Frontignan and such a charming spot- free mooring for 72hrs and cheap water and electric, a must for the aircon and washing machine!!!!
And again as the French are oft to do - another festival weekend-- this time --water jousting.
Love to think how health and safety commission in NZ would cope with this.😁😁😁
On to Les Aresquires and its so quiet- very few bumper boats around but not as many as we have remembered.- mayb due to the expense of hiring them, the extremly hot waeter or just not school holidays.. Although saying that -- this morning as we left, we let the bumper boats go first- and watched them jostle and overtake each other in a rush to get somewhere???!!!
so NOBBY NO-MATES again !!
Well, not always..
So there is a craze here of throwing a very strong magnet into the water to see what you can bring up- Chris Ingram sent us a photo of some bycles that had been 'caught' in the canals... but we could do one better --
A big day- 8kms further on down the canal we stopped at La Maguelonne. Did a bit of cycling - these small ponds off the smaller E'Tangs dry up in high summer and you can see the crystalline salt.
Quite happily cycling along and then suddenly a huge long freight train comes -- but he is still waiting for me!!💓💓💓💓💓
The old Catherale du Maguelone in the background--dates back to the 5C. and finally abandoned by the church in 16th C and restored by the Fabrege family.
And the little noddy train that takes people from the carpark bridge across the canal to the Cathederale and beaches-- Typically French beaches that have signage on poles, ( sorry forgot camera) of areas on the beaches designating for wearing swimsuits or being dare-arsed.
This area of France seems to have alot of its celebrations on the 13th July, not on the 14th which is Bastille day. From the boat at around 10.30 pm we could watch 5-6 different firewoeks displays from the surrounding towns and villages.
We spent the day in Vileneuve Magduelonne watching some bull running. Over 4 day festival they ran the bulls through the town twice a day - each time with different breeders to show off their bulls and riders.
The bulls being let out of the trucks into the care of the cowhands.
Its amazing how you see the riders leaning in to each other to cage the bulls in.
We assume that its all part of youth initiation for youths to try to run with them if they can.
((( Max and I just laugh at how The health and Safety dept in NZ would cope with this,!!)))
This return trip caught me by surprise.
And they are such proud people.
We just had to include all these videos to give you all a sense of these rich French traditions.
AND so onto the next adventure ----- up The mighty Rhone River to AVIGNON....
So we feel the French have got this one sewn up---- one sure fire way to make sure only one car parks in this space,--- not a truck, or a car & trailer, or a large 4x4 or campervan!!