Tuesday, 28 June 2022

2022,--May & June  


SO I am not going to be able to swing from the ropes and jump ship for a good few weeks yet--

During April and May I had a very good carer who took me off to the pub occassionally, and friends who lent us the wheelchair, crutches,  and best of all --the shower chair.. (we did decline the wheeled zimmer frame πŸ˜‚)
So moving on to the boat and how that was all going to work----Luckily we have helpful friends --Max set off and drove to Beziers with his mate Bill Jennings for a week to help take down the winter tent and get KIWI ROSE a bit readied for me.

In the midst of this my brother Bill and Pippa  (picures on last blog) got married so Bill J. and Max had to drive up to Lyon, where they both flew home,-- Max in time for the wedding. 

3RD June.πŸ‘πŸ‘ Now my chance at last to get to the boat- although still on two crutches (Only 6 weeks post #). 

We both flew back into Lyon where Max had left the car and we spent a very enjoyable weekend in St Jean de Losne.

As covid lockdown had prevented many of our Australian, Kiwi and other boating friends from being here for 2 years, it was a time for some serious catch-ups.

Old friends. Glen and Trish, and  Bob, Liz and Einstein.


WE had a lovely evening with John & Michelle, and Peter & Jayne. Both Bob and liz and fellow Kiwi, Don.
This wonderful evening did start outreally well, under the sun shade up on deck,,---= but then a real sudden change in the weather , from us hiding from the sun to rushing out of the howling wind & hail--
made for a very wet evening all around.

 As you can see, Don is holding onto his glass and wine bottle for dear life!!!!

We were lucky that night , but other people nearby we know (I have pinched their photos--sorry) had worse hail than us..

Had a good 6hr drive down to Beziers from St Jean Losne-- but again the totally sudden hail literally stopped us on the motorway-- From the noise we could have sworn the roof of the car would be covered in dents!!!     You can see the hail stones on windscreen!!!! 

So we arrived in Bezier all safe and Kiwi Rose looked lovely.
Next hiccup is that we knew that I wouldn't be able to manage the ropes etc in the 5 locks to Agde, and the lowering of all the canvas and glass to get under said bridges in my weakened state.
Luckily Alan and Shelia who live near Beziers( old boaters) helped us out to take the boat through the locks over 2 days to Agde, where, KIWI ROSE was due to come out onto the hard.

Kiwi Rose was going to be re-anti-fouled, and have some more flexiteek put on the gunnles and the swim platform. 
As due to A), inconveirnence and   B), A decent shower and air-con, and   C)Lucy being on two crutches\( mostly) we opted to stay in an appt for the first week. 

The plan had been to go on a cycling trip during that time but NO sitting in bike seat for me😒😒!!!!          😒😒

So I just lazed around - maybe used the sewing machine a bit while max did all the hard work, sanding and prepping his lovely ladies bottom.

I think I must of married a smurf!!

After a hard days work on the boat, we would come home shower and eat, then go down to the river/sea, The Herault and have a bottle of wine while the sun set.

14th June ,, so to give Max a break we had a few days away in Moissac, a lovely little village on the River Tarn //Garonne for more catch ups with old and news friends.

Special friend Janine Banbury, old friends Tex & Anthea Jones, and new friends Lindsey & Vicki. What started as a simple drinks ended up late as it often does, with lots of drink and laughter. (all kiwis again)... well-- except The Jones who are a mixed bag!!

Lovely second night with Janine Banbury. That salad was for sharing !! Huge 🀯

The thing about good times is they come to an end so it was back to the boat for the actual           antifoul painting and then back in the water.

I was obviously NOT going to get out of work  so easily now!!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜“πŸ˜“

But she looks so beautiful- polished and painted. While this job took 3 days of sweaty work, in the evenings we would take a picnic down to the sea at Agde and relax.  OR the odd beer.

Finally all the work has finished and we are back in the water for our first real night of the summer.

June 21st....πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

As a foot note- these pictures appeared on some of our boating groups we belong to-- just for your amusement.
You just never know what you might see in a canal.

                                        This is a hire boat- a bumper boat - no licenec needed!!!! 


Sunday, 26 June 2022

And we arrive in 2022.- UK and Skiing.

Finally managed to remember how to do this blog!!!!  ( I think)

Last year- to recap we took a quick trip - finally to visit Portsmouth and the amzing old ships- 

The HMS Victory and The HMS Warrior - only 30 mins by train from Chichester.

Then the winter sport of tramping through the woods, beating, in all sorts of weather with The Langford Shoot.

--- The Xmas Girls.!!!

Alot has happened so far this year and alot still to happen - some things totally unplanned and others we thought well planned.  
Last year Emma got engaged to Jesse, and we have a wedding to attend in Toronto in Septemeber.
And on New Years Day, Benji proposed to Claire. (so all go on the mother and father-in-law front)
Then we were invited to meet Benji's parents in Gstaad, - so we had a great few days in January skiing with Benji, Claire and Marion ( Benji's Mum).    

During Febuary we managed to go on a small tiki tour for 10 days to Italy starting in Champoloc ( a favourite) with our ski-buddy Steph, and then going on to Courmeyer.

Difficult to decide what size bottle to order- but hey- the glasses were a good size.                                                         

Skiing is a very tiring pass-time!!!!!!!


March- my birthday, so a quick weekend trip to visit Betchley Park with Bill and Min Jennings.  

Then the final skiing trip in April didn't end so well- other trip with about 16 friends from Chichester -- but lots of time to party each night.
THE PIGS ARSE--- great place to stop on the last run home.

Other nice stops along the way.

So, while the party week continued, --- I ended up having a crash    during a friendly ski race. Obviously going too fast and managed              to hit the second to last gate and fracturing my Pelvis.

Have to say the Italians were fantastic and of course thank god                for insurance.

I lay in a hospital bed, quietly nursing my wounded pride,                            (and being on the receiving end of my profession) for 10 days.

Then a UK ambulance repatriation crew came and delivered me from Aosta back to Max                    and my own bed after a very comfortable 16 hr journey. 

SO then I am on bed rest/crutches for at least 6-8 weeks(not fully wt bearing)--- so all summer plans had to be tweaked a bit.

Max and I have got quite adapt at over the last few years.

Lastly but not least, my big brother who married Pippa on June 1st in Brighton.  Such a lovely wedding and its great to finally welcome Pippa and her sons, Leo and Max to the Stallibrass clan.

 Oh and not forgetting KirkπŸ•

So now Max and I have to sort out how we are going to manage the coming

 weeks as we go to the boat....