TRIER (left this off last blog)
Leaving Trier we pass the red cliffs of Konz and continue up the Mosel. Passing the oldest still standing useable Roman bridge north of the Alps..
As we move away from the German/Luxembourg area into France the scenery really changes. We loose the lovely vine covered slopes to become wooded and into the flat cereal fields.
Thionville, and the Boys off shopping for liquid supplies..
Marie Molloy arrives at METZ railway station from London to visit us for 5 days before heading back home to Kevin in NZ.
Moored in Metz, with a fantastic view next to the Old Church, which some people will recognise, and drinks again with this KIWI boat we keep bumping into…another great night.!!
Metz Cathedral at night, and the girls out for a meal. We bought some lovely cakes from a cake shop for desert but when we went to eat them, they had collapsed and melted!! They tasted ok but didn’t look nearly as pretty.
Kids having fun on dads boat during school hols.
Different scenery again as we head into Toul.
Weather again very hot and humid so we had to finally succumb to the fresh water hose on the marina,,,, and proof that the crew works!!!
TOUL, and finally we get to see the light show at the Cathedral, sitting under a big golfing umbrella in the rain……lovely but not nearly as dramatic as Reims. ( please excuse the dirty finger print on the lens)
Marie left us here in Toul for London and we are going to potter around, go and pick up our car from St Jean de Losne and watch the water levels in the canals. And maybe visit an Ikea if we pass one !!!
The French are very good at closing off bits of canals for a week or so if they aren’t happy with the water levels.. Emma and a girl friend from NZ are meant to be arriving into Epinal on the 26th August to spend a week with us. On the 16th August the branch to Epinal is meant to be re-opening, so watch this space.
Not sure why we are worrying when you can repaint your boat in any colour!!
You never know what you may have to do. This is a picture of June Hall ( fellow boaties from NZ) and another as they try to rescue une brebis that had been stuck in the canal for a few days. ( photo curtsy of the Halls.)
Knew there was a reason to carry life-buoys on the canals,, ( look how deep the water is !!) Well done June.
And thank-you people for your nice comments about our blog.. glad you enjoy it. ( and it saves us doing all those photo albums when we get back.) (heh heh)