Tuesday, 18 December 2012

London at Christmas

London at Christmas is just an amazing mass of lights and mad shoppers. We have had a couple of nights visiting Oxford St, Regent St etc and forget the recession, certainly the lights have not been switched off yet. Shoppers are in a frenzy. You feel out of place if you are not walking down Oxford St struggling with  Selfridges, Debenhams and John Lewis bags.

Yes I managed to locate Santas Pub. Even a British Santa has to have a local. Its a bit blurred but Lucys hands must have been cold.

Santas Pub_320x240019_320x240

      Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.                  Skating rink in Hyde Park


      Selfridges at night                                    Harrods at night

030_320x240Harrods_320x240011_320x240Selfridges at night_320x240

The London EYE overlooking Winter Wonderland
