Sunday 6 October 2024

 September and winding up to leave the boat here in Aigues-Morte for the winter.

Weather definitely cooler- we have has incredible winds for the last 5 days....

Lots of decluttering and sorting out what we want to take back with us in our luggage. 
We are flying China airways so we get 2 x 23kgs suitcases plus hand wheely bag EACH.....???oh what shall we bring back -- mayb our whole life?? 

Had a another good entertaining night out again with the Neighbourhood group from the marina, to a local ranch for drinks,food and a show.  Some pictures of how the riders coral the bulls when they move them through the ranches and towns. The horses are amazing>>>>

And Max chatted to one of the old ranch hands who just really looked like John Wayne.πŸ˜ƒ 
Its a dogs life-- sunday afternoon snooze on the boat....
Sunday Sept  22nd- So we finally leave Aigues-Morte and head off back towards northern France.
We had a lovely stop to visiting Lesley and Peter, and Bernice and Stephen ( Old skiing friends from Newcastle) in the Alps...

After leaving there we went to visit Max's uncles grave.  

James Calder was a pilot assigned to the RAF and was shot down on 18th November 1943.

The War commision have done an amazing job indentifing these heroes - these 7 graves are the only war related ones in the small village graveyard in Souain near Reims.
But there are large memorials to WW1 locally.

The farmers have been active here as well....We love these signs...

AND finally off to blighty.

Back onto the Ferry from Calais to Dover- lovely weather!!!

We have been spendimg these last days packing and seeing friends.

And onto the start of a new adventure in New Zealand.....on thursday - arriving Auckland 12th October.


Sunday 15 September 2024

 AUGUST in the South of France-- very hot and busy!!!!  ( We seem to be having trouble downloadung videos- sorry)

Begining of August, Lucy had a few days away in London with her family, and Max spent his time chasing the capitianerieπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜• ( trying to sign a contract and pay him,) keeping out of the sun, watching the Olyimpics, having long cycle rides, drinks with local boating friends, and evening beers at the local sports bar in the village square....local barmaids knows him now..(even gets free drinks!!).

Weather still hot, 30-36 degrees so on lucy's return from a coldish trip to UK, I had got warm again by going down to the beach for a few days before we set off on another adventure.

Cycling,, and this time we drove to The Luberon Valley in Provence.  We parked the car at Castellet en Lubren and joined the EUROVELO 8 cycle route that runs between Spain and the Pyrennes to the Alps, via  Southern France.  It was going to be at least 50kms each way to Cavallon return.

Lovely route, mostly along an old railway line- nice and flat. Through the vineyards, harvested lavender fields, past old railway stations, through gorges and open flat countryside.  It was very hot but the breeze while cycling make it bearable.

Houses built right up into the cliffs, and tired hot ripening  sunflowers
Through the gorges.

Lavender fields have no colour as they had sadly already been harvested.

But the vines are all growing well.
The town of Cavaillon was occupied by both Roman and Greeks, leaving their presence with a Roman Arch from 1s.t C .AD 

Spent nice night in an old hotel in the city and on our way back the following day we passec the Julian Bridge. This used to be a very importent bridge, built along the Via Domita, a Roman road that originally connected Italy to the Roman territories of France. It was still used for car traffic until a new bridge for cars was built in 2005. This amounts to 2000 years on uninterrupted use.!!!

After a rest of a few days our next adventure was off to the Les Baux de Provence, to the huge underground quarry that we had visited before with Wok and Sam.
This time is was Carrieres des Lumieres showing the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs. It will be so difficult to show you the enormity of the show but we will try as my videos aren't downloading....

The moving experience lasted 45 mins and started with Divine Genesis, through building of the Pyramids, The Pharaohs, discovery of the Divine Gold, Temples, the Valley of the Kings and Queens, The beyond and Sunken Treasures.     Gold jewellery.


                                                                                                                                                               Spent the next few weeks just hanging out in Aigues-morte with another short bike ride of around 50kms. Drove about one hr away so we could join the Arles to Port-St-Loius-du Rhone on the med. (part of the great Velo routes of France)
 A nice tarmaced greenway, passing though salt marshes, rice fields and through the Camargue National Park.

You would think this huge barge would consider renaming itself!!

And past the original bridge- still intact, from the famous paintings done by Van Gogh......
The Pont Van Gogh. 


As like ground-hog day- its time for King Louis to set off on his Crusades again - so he desends onto Aigues morte on gthe saturday morning- demands the keys to the walled city. 


We reckon alot of these guys - (saw them last year) are professional dress-up artists as even the hair has been groomed to suit. 

Love this picture- the old chief has taken off so fast- he gets a drinks before the others catch up -- ----what away to go!!

The  ice cream palour in the town,  - not sure health/safetly or the hygene lawofficer would say about this!!

Then all his followers hang around all weekend and then sunday night- again they all parade through the town, right past our watering hole... and then  he sets off on his ship.
With Claire and Paul.

Wouldn't like to meet these warriors in a battle---

And off he sails into the sunset again to conquer the world....
Our next cycle ride adventure was to Perpignan, about 2 hrs towards the Spanish boarder. We did 2 rides over 2 days, one round circuit  out to the coast and the other we drive to the coast and took the costal path up towards Grau de Leucate.

An amazingly intact with running water, village wash house-- 

Leucate-as like many little fishing villages... 
the local fishermen catch their own fish for their resturants ( or collect their oysters/muscles ) and park up- deal with the produce and have a liitle restaurant behind the shack.
Lunch of seafood!!!!!

The Palace of the kings of Majorca.(construction started in 1274)


Some more socialising with fellow boaters- 
BBQ waterside- regularly organised by long-termers moored here.

OK!! so I understand people bringing their dogs with them.......but a Budgie???  πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•
And as the hot weather continues - you get the freakish stuff moving in --Sea mist at 9am.

 And how quickly the light from the setting sun changes. Now dusk at around 8pm ...cooler nights-- medium weight duvet on now.

The sun peaked through the clouds while setting and we had this glorious image for all of about 5mins.


Summer truely ending with a bang and September weather quickly approaches - like all across Europe.