Monday 3 June 2024

 1st June..... Is summer here yet..?????

The weather here has been cool, cold, wet, sunny, windy and windy!!!!

I have to say we have had one nice day a week ago  and its another today. AND as you do on nice weather days - you go off cycling---umm not such a good idea... So that trip last week, firstly my bike was making an awful racket-- so much so that Max can hear me behind him- he didn't even need to turn around- then I get my purse lifted- so no shopping done, - and then as we are cycling madly back to the boat to cancel all the cards--and my e-bike motor just STOPS!!!   NOW that really slows us down as its bloody heavy!! So £20 each for new drivers licences- both french and uk debit cards re-ordered and my GLIC card. oh and a new bike motor-- lets see how much this nice day cost us!!   Ummmmmmm

South of  France beaches, between Sete and Agde, waiting for the influx of summer tourists-- these will be packed in August!!

We do go out in the car in pursuit of company!!  We drove to catch up with Aileen and Grahame for lunch with Allan and Shelia in Homps- down the Canal du Midi a bit -- thought a bit of bunting should go up to note early celebration of Grahames 80TH... Lovely lunch with them all again!! Becoming a bit of good habit 

Staying back in Frontignan with free mooring for 3 days and 2euros for power and water. No Capitainerie sighted so we overstayed like others were 😏😏😏😏😏😏

Usual entertainment with the bumper boats and local water sports all around us..
Bridge up at 0930-- who can get through first!!!

If we were staying long enough we would hacve signed up for this group on their open day.

And my faourite little excursion up to the local bar in the square----
Did our yearly trip out onto the Med from Frontignan to go to get Diesel from the sea port of Frontignan, about 5kms along the coast.
Max thought we had the weather right- and the trip out there was lovely,  - then the rain came so the way back a slightly different trip ---- but we loved it - a real feeling of boating......

Back at Les Aresquires- our quiet wild mooring- max sporting his new french haircut- and life goes on around us...120m of boat with a heavy heavy load of bitumix!!

We pay a levi to the VNF yearly who maintain the 1000's of kms of canals in France,, here they are very hard at work, trying to stop the canal wall disappearing into the next E'tang..

One thing we have noticed is this year is the number of  privately owned boats of various social levels. This year whether its the change in how th eVNF are trying to move people on from free green banking all year or not- but what we have noticed is the number of boats with single men of indiscriminate age ( due to hair/facial/head) on a variety of boats, who ALL seem to have BIG dogs with them...

Max thought this yacht could be quite nice-- but this owner has 3 BIG dogs on board, that seem to stay below, and  Max watches the guy take them off the boat 3 times a day on leads, and .....not a  plastic bag in sight--😠😠😠😠😠😠  or a run around!!!

This one only had one big dog that seemed to sleep on the quay, and this little house cabin -- that was totally electric...2 little electric motors on the back .

Now we are In Aigues-Morte for the next 6 weeks.
A different view of another side of the old city walls of Aigues- Morte.

Full night view of Marina.

A very busy sleepy mum sitting on 10 eggs at the end of our pontoon!! We will watch nature unfold!!!

So we are now safely moored up as we both have to fly back to UK next week, to oversee the shipping company when they come in to move our flat contents to NZ  ((( no going back now))) and Lucy to fly to New Zealand on 12Th June to be with Emma and Jesse for 3 weeks as a new grandma.

 Welcome Rory Donald Shepherd. 21/5/2024

We know 2 sets of friends here in Aigues-Morte. Angie & Hans who live between their beautiful boat here and Barcelona, and Claire & Paul from UK who have just bought a lovely house here for the summer months. I think between these people, his bike, and other friends few hours drive away-- he won't be toooo lonely while I am away in NZ...😀😀😀


Thursday 16 May 2024

 2024-- another year.

May 2024.

Well, its a big different year for us this year.

We skied for what we thought was our last time- touring Anncey, Chamonix, Cervinina and Champoluc over 3 weeks in March-- but as everyone knows- plans are made to be changed -- and we have decided that if the weather is right- then skiing is still fun. More to the point - we are still quite skilled at it...(plus we couldn't bear to part with all our gear !!!!)  

At our age- getting a drink is always a bonus BUT having to get on a swing to drink it -- not such a good idea,

Birthday hot-chocolate with Steph.  Love the choice of Gins!!!!!!!

But moving on ..

Max spent December in NZ with family and friends, and I suppose making a start in our psycological change-over from living in Chichester to our return to live in NZ.   We have really enjoyed Chichester and all we have done but life moves on.

We  have finally decided after 13years 😀😀😀 to return to live in NZ.  Of course the current plan is to live at Gulf Harbour ( for the first time- north of the divide......) during the NZ summer months and to spend the winter months back in the European summer.  

Not only have I deceided that at 66-- maybe its time to retire, but we are also going to be grandparents of a little kiwi/canadian baby very soon so 2 very good reasons to return.  So planned date of return is the end of September..

Since the begining of the year we have been looking at packing up the flat and shipping our belongings home. Considering we arrived a few suitcases, to have colleceted all this STUFF seems ludicrous.  Still if it all fell of the container ship- we doubt we would be heart broken... 

So, after Max had spent the last few weeks living on one chair, surrounded by boxes --

We set off for the boat mid April= earlier than maybe many times before.   The weather has been horrible- cold , wet, windy, and did we say cold??  Did we say wet???

Jeans, heating on and hot water bottles to bed ( Well me anyway.) socks, fleeces, big fluffy duvet.etc etc.

All the happy campers going for a nice week in the South of France, on The Canal du  Midi-- NOT  

Just a bit of flooding.😏.. Only thing that kept us sound of mind and body was Aileen and Grahame- who deceided to come from NZ early this year and luckily are moored up right next to us-- again not expecting the cooler weather- but electric heaters abound- we met most nights for a competative game of 5 Crowns and a wee bit to drink...

Eventually the weather cleared, Max had the engine inspected and the black water tank pump changed (yes, I know-- AGAIN)  and we were ready to set off.

All canvas and glass down - hopefully for the last time as we head back down The Midi towards Agde where we will get Kiwi Rose lifted for anti-fouling and a polish.
The bridge that is low=!! and the parade of the town mayor- celebrating the end of WW11
We have arrived in Agde, at Allemand boat yard- the med in the background and actually some blue sky warmish weather.  And now the hard work starts...........

So our plans for this year are vague- but Kiwi Rose has just spent her 5th winter in Beziers, ( Covid withstanding) but its now time for a change. We have enjoyed the warmth of the south and plan to stay down here for a few more seasons- but move to Aigues-Morte for with long term mooring.
We have to go back to Chichester for the first week of June, to organise the shippers to pick up all our stuff-and settle the flat for renting which hopefully is confirmed,
Lucy flies out to NZ for 3 weeks to be with Emma and Jesse, while Max will be socializing a bit and looking after himself in Aigues-Morte-- Little do our friends there knowthat Max will be on the loose...........hahaha

So until after an NZ trip......        💕

Couldn't resist this photo=== fashion doesn't escape any sport..... It is not the wind- this jacket was seriously puffed...

  And Max's new grandpuppy-- POPPY